Full Name: Red Rhino
Date of birth: December 15, 2019
Height: 9’ 4”
Weight: 3,511 pounds (he keeps it under 3,520, so he feels good!)

Washing his car, or anyone’s car.
Swimming, short walks in the woods, and napping.
Running (he’s faster than Usain Bolt).
Drive-in movie theaters, so he can show off his... clean car!
Favorite Movies:
The Original Jungle Book.
Jumanji (with Robin Williams) He swears that one of his cousins was in the film.

Favorite Sport:
Football (huge Philadelphia Eagles fan, even though they’re "green").

Favorite Color:
Green…just kidding, it’s RED!!
E.A.G.L.E.S…. GO EAGLES!!!!!
Favorite Charity:

I LOVE Thanksgiving!
Favorite Cities:
Best Friends:
Brent and Blake McCurdy.
Favorite Foods:
Fresh salads with; leaves, bushes, twigs, small branches, tree bark for some extra roughage, grass, plants, fruits, roots, and whatever other vegetation I can find.
Loves Granny Smith apples for their crisp tartness and their contrast to his own color.

Make sure you stop and say hi, if you see me at the car wash!
